Monday, 08 May 2017 7:00 PM
Our critique judge for this meeting will be Bob Bush. Bob, past president of the Photochromers, will be traveling south from Bend Oregon to be our lead critique judge for this meeting. Bob is an experienced nature photographer who has traveled the world with his camera.
We will be doing our critique meeting a little differently tonight. Members of the club are invited to submit two (2) images that they feel are ready for a contest. Images must be submitted by midnight, Monday May 1, 2017. That’s a week before the critique meeting. Experienced members of the Photochromers, will get several of the submitted images and do their best to improve them using Photoshop or Lightroom. During the meeting, the as-submitted image will be projected and then the ‘enhanced’ version and a discussion of what was done to improve the image will follow. This will be a great learning experience.
Send only two (2) images for this critique.
See our Photo Submission Page on how and where to send your critique images.
Guests can upload images for their 1st meeting, then they must join the Photochromers Photo Club and pay the annual dues to participate in additional critique meetings.