Monday, 13 Mar 2017 7:00 PM
For this meeting, Nancy Speaker will be our critique judge.
Nancy is a judge with Professional Photographers of California and has judged Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) monthly competitions as well as a judge for the Photographic Society of America (PSA) regional and International Competitions. She is currently the PSA Director for Individual Creative Competitions and Assistant Director of PSA Interclub Creative Competitions . She also serves as Photochromers Interclub Chair and S4C Board member as Photochromers Club Representative. She also has earned her Associate Degree in S4C and currently working toward her Fellowship degree. She also serves as Membership Chair for Associated Artists of the Inland Valley.
Send only five (5) images for the critique.
See our Photo Submission Page on how and where to send your critique images.
Guests can upload images for their 1st meeting, then they must join the Photochromers Photo Club and pay the annual dues to participate in additional critique meetings.