Bill has been a serious amateur landscape photographer for over fifty years. As a teenager, he was inspired by the work of Ansel Adams and later by Galen Rowell.

Bill licenses his landscape images world-wide through Getty Images and has had his photographs in several publications, including Popular Photography and Digital Photographer magazines and in several books.

For the last five years, Bill has been a projection photography critique judge for several local camera clubs and a judge for on-line contests.

Until 2013, Bill owned and operated Mountain High Workshops where he taught landscape photography in the western US.

Bill’s Flickr photostream:

For the April 11 Critique meeting please send in 6 or 7 images.

See our Photo Submission Page on how and where to send your critique images.

Guests can upload images for their 1st meeting, then they must join the Photochromers Photo Club and pay the annual dues to participate in additional critique meetings.